Idea Behind Hopipop

“Hopipop” a pop corn brand of Yasho Foods Enterprises was conceptulised in jan -19 and it took shape in July -19. Currently, we have appointed and billing to distributors in Bangalore north- 2 Bangalore south-1, Bangalore Rural- 2. We are directly billing to around 1290 outlets in these areas and planning to cover additional 6000 outlets in next 6 months. We have already tied up with Ecommerce company called M/s/Drop shop India (P) ltd, Bangalore, who are redistributing all regional and local Brands in competition with Big brands in the market. Current order size from Drop shop is INR 80 to 90K per week for all products. But unable to supply more than 50% to their order size due to constrain in working capital.



    About Us

    Since July 19 as of now i.e May-20 we have grown 200% growth. In this ten months period.There has been a lot of ups and downs in terms of value.
    Reason being, initially we had leakage problem of Instant pack 45gm of all variants even then, we managed to sell in the market placing in select outlet.
    Since, sales was very low we added RTE (Readt to eat) pack machine in Dec-19 which gave us 32% additional sales. Simlarly we added Tubs for all variants..
    From there there is no looking back. We have been growing consistently. Except for April-20 because of Covid-19. But even then we didn’t stop working. Gave us a growth of 44.5% over mar-20 which is really commendable during tough covid times.


    Currently, Instant -40gm pack is doing very well and we are giving good fight to Act –II ,the market leaded since,Act II there market react is restricted only to main super markets and main metro cities. Where as we are covering interior markets and smaller towns as well. Hence the growth will happen continously. Already launched rs.5/- pack(RTE) in all variants in. August 21 which required 3.5 additional investment which will give additional 6 lakh sales p.m. In coming months. In another 6 months down the line will be selling 7 to 8 lakhs p.m. Since we have already moved to 3000 sq. ft godown. Kogilu mn rd. on the way to new Airport..

    popcorn hopipop